Monday, February 9, 2009

The President will see you now

Watching President Obama speak and answer questions tonight made me realize how long it's been since I've seen a President speak and answer questions. Seriously, I never even pretended to watch Bush's news conferences (though I did catch the highlights on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.) I wasn't that interested in what Bush had to say, but I also had no confidence in his ability or desire to talk to the American public in an honest way. Plus, I think Gilmore Girls was on.

But Obama began talking about the stimulus plan tonight and I knew what he was saying: the man was making sense. And even if you don't agree with what he says, I think it's clear that he can string coherent thoughts together in a way that feels, well, Presidential. For a moment, I felt like I was watching a movie or an episode of 24. Eventually, I think I will be able to associate The White House with eloquence and intelligence, but for now I'll just say it was so totally American President.

I have to admit, it wasn't all amazing. The first question (asked by some woman from the AP who looked like she had ridden her motorcycle to the White House without a helmet) was met with a lengthy response that seemed to go a bit off the path. I got bored. I started to blog. See?

However, as question after question came from the earnest reporters, Obama talked and I listened. He was responsive; he was thoughtful; he was occasionally long-winded. He was pretty real. It was quite refreshing.


Colleen said...

(asked by some woman from the AP who looked like she had ridden her motorcycle to the White House without a helmet)...

THAT is why you're on my blog roll. Laughed out loud and beer rolled down my chin. Yes, I drink beer at home by myself.

Dan said...

Great post. AZ also commented on the AP woman's hair.

Colleen_Katana said...

Absolutely...and as Bill Maher said, his audiences aren't hand picked. They're open to everyone.