Watching President Obama speak and answer questions tonight made me realize how long it's been since I've seen a President speak and answer questions. Seriously, I never even pretended to watch Bush's news conferences (though I did catch the highlights on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.) I wasn't that interested in what Bush had to say, but I also had no confidence in his ability or desire to talk to the American public in an honest way. Plus, I think Gilmore Girls was on.
But Obama began talking about the stimulus plan tonight and I knew what he was saying: the man was making sense. And even if you don't agree with what he says, I think it's clear that he can string coherent thoughts together in a way that feels, well, Presidential. For a moment, I felt like I was watching a movie or an episode of 24. Eventually, I think I will be able to associate The White House with eloquence and intelligence, but for now I'll just say it was so totally American President.
I have to admit, it wasn't all amazing. The first question (asked by some woman from the AP who looked like she had ridden her motorcycle to the White House without a helmet) was met with a lengthy response that seemed to go a bit off the path. I got bored. I started to blog. See?
However, as question after question came from the earnest reporters, Obama talked and I listened. He was responsive; he was thoughtful; he was occasionally long-winded. He was pretty real. It was quite refreshing.
Jack is TWO!
10 years ago
(asked by some woman from the AP who looked like she had ridden her motorcycle to the White House without a helmet)...
THAT is why you're on my blog roll. Laughed out loud and beer rolled down my chin. Yes, I drink beer at home by myself.
Great post. AZ also commented on the AP woman's hair.
Absolutely...and as Bill Maher said, his audiences aren't hand picked. They're open to everyone.
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